Friday, February 20, 2009

Haile apologizes over Mengistu remark

Addis Journal- Haile Gebreselassie has said he is sorry for inadvertently hurting the feelings of the Red Terror victims.

His comments came after the Associations for Victims of the Red Terror issued statement accusing the athlete of making an insensitive remark that makes light of the atrocities committed by the Derg.

In a recent interview with Negadras, an Amharic weekly, Haile was quoted as saying, “It is said Mengistu has committed many atrocities”, a remark that drew the Association’s ire.

In an open letter to the government daily, Addis Zemen where the complaint appeared, Haile wrote he was misunderstood; he was in no way intending to gloss over the heinous acts of Mengistu’s regime.

He was responding to the reporter’s questions on the significance of Obama’s victory when he happened to talk about the culture of forgiveness which could even be extended to tyrants like Mengistu Haile Maryam.

“I myself have suffered under the Mengistu’s rule and I would never speak light the atrocities committed by the regime,” Haile noted down.

Haile expressed his appreciation for the Association and apologized for the offense his remarks caused.